I can't really see why people complain so much about emos and the rest of them who put a bit too much eye shadow on.
Hope I make my point
In the end, every one is fuckable.
The only blog not featuring an ipod.
There is a widespread belief that introspection is one of the defining characteristics of the human psyche. We can, how ever, not be certain that other information processing systems, such as other animals, also poses this property. It is when thinking about this matters that one more directly approaches that blurry line between unconscious and conscious beings.
We are so accustomed to symbolic reasoning, that we cannot imagine introspection with out a notion of "the self" and of it's relationship with "the environment". How ever, on the wake of connectionist approaches to cognitive science, it is perhaps time to give a broader definition of introspection.
That isn't, how ever, what I had in mind when I started writing this.
Don't you think it is an irony, that this, the quintessential human feature, is in many cases a curse in that it disables us from enjoying the world around us?
Independence in the 21st century
Pristina, Feb 16 2009. Celebrations on the aniversary of Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence. The red flag with the bicephalous eagle is the albanian flag. The blue flag with stars and a yellow outline (also on the bumper of the auto), is the flag of Kosovo. The stars and stripes one need not be introduced.
We have this dreams and we have this life, and we will cry tomorrow, die of shame, if we keep them apart as we have done 'till now.