The only blog not featuring an ipod.


I like to think, of a world out there,
a different world
a different time
a different life.

A different sort of happiness

But I know, quite very well, it is the lens that gives that impression.

What I hate most about it
is not so much to find my self constrained
to this my world, my time, my life
but rather to be aware
that if I could adjust my brightness histogram
or have a better optics set
or at least greater exposure time
this sort of happiness
my sort of happiness
would be even better.

1 comment:

Libia said...

No hay post donde no me rompas el corazón.

Alguien me habló todos los días de mi vida al oido, despacio, lentamente. Me dijo: ¡vive, vive, vive! Era la muerte. (JS)