At a special meeting in Bern, World Bank President Robert Zoellic, said that in the past two years 100 million people are estimated to have been pushed into poverty.
Are we supposed to be making a better world? is free trade, globalization, privatization, etc. really working?
We cannot rejoice.
The only blog not featuring an ipod.
A better place?
4/29/2008 10:26:00 PM
Labels: adrift
Creative nightmares
Yesterday I read a bit about the different levels of protein structure, and I had this really interesting dream. I typed a long long string of characters which consisted solely of repetitions of the phrase "I am angry at you" and then I begun bending the string in very interesting manners, ending up with a very complicated pattern. A protein made of anger.
Then, somehow, I emailed it. Maybe as a sort of vrml or pov or something file. I don't really know how, but it was attached to an email message.
Finally, I was worried that the structure was too complicated and that the recipient would not zoom in to see the letters composing the neat molecule and would simply focus on the three dimensional beauty. It would had been, however, more likely that the message got filtered straight into the trash.

There are happy people
Who laugh, succeed and fuck quite very often
Who are always beautiful, who are always ready, who are sometimes late but never fail to get there.
There are happy people
Who grow and learn and smile and flirt.
They aren't hurt for long
they aren't sad for long
they are, after all, quite happy people.
Pregunta I
En el espiritú de las preguntas talmúdicas, e inspirado por una analogía de Toño hace rato, me permito poner lo siguiente a consideración:
Supongan que tienen a su disposición el número que ustedes deseen de piezas de LEGO (tentes) que tengan la propiedad especial de poder unirse a otras piezas por cualquiera de sus caras (no como en los LEGOS tradicionales, que solo lo pueden hacer por dos de ellas).
Supongan que además tienen la propiedad de que la unión entre dos piezas se deshace instantáneamente después de un cierto tiempo de estar unidas, dónde este tiempo es proporcional al número de puntos (muescas, protuberancias, como quieran llamarle a los puntitos de los LEGOs) por los que están unidas. Una vez deshecha una unión las piezas se rigen por la fuerza de gravedad.
Elijan un organismo vivo cualquiera.
Sin restricciones de tiempo ni espacio (pero siempre finitos) ¿Es posible reproducirlo a cabalidad, en estructura y procesos, usando las piezas de LEGO con este propiedad de que las uniones se deshacen en en tiempo?
*Nota, pueden suponer que las piezas son tan pequeñas como quieran, sin que esto merme su capacidad de armar las configuraciones que deseen. Ingnoremos las fuerzas nucleares debiles y fuertes, aunque no creo que las piezas tuvieran que ser tan pequeñas como para que éstas fueran importantes.
*Una persona ha venido con el siguiente comentario:
Una cuestion interesante es la posibilidad de crear gradientes de concentración y la subsecuente fuerza de difusión, que juegan un papel importante en la vida. ¿Cómo podría lograrse esto?

Antes no me gustaba ver fotos, sobretodo de los viajes de las personas, solo pensarlo me daba una hueva increible.
Pero ahora me gusta, sobretodo de lugares y cosas interesantes, fuera de mi mundo... me causa muchas sensaciones agradables, que duran solo una fracción de segundo pero que me recuerdan que el mundo que está afuera puede hacerme sentir y recordar cosas.
Era un mundo falto de dolores, lo recuerdo.
Lets talk
Ok ok ok... so I go around the web searching for porn, for interesting "game of life" configurations, for blogs of people who have a life that I wish I did and over and over I find people, sites, news, speaking of PRC's involvement in Tibet. And people go around saying that Tibetan people are little less than gods all pure, and should be allowed to have their own state and bla bla bla bla...
well, I'm pretty pissed off about all that so let me tell you a couple of interesting facts about those facists.
When revolution came to China, Tibet, like other regions had a feudal system were serfdom prevailed, people were traded along with land, land owned by noblemen and clergymen. They had an army which fought, quite unsuccessfully, the communist forces.
On May 1951 the head of state of the Tibet people, the Dalai Lama, signed the Seventeen Point Agreement which gave China the sovereignty over the lands in exchange for a certain amount of autonomy which included the compromise for the improvement of the quality of life and the expulsion of imperialist agents.
The Tibetian goverment failed to fulfill its parts of the agreement, most notably by receiving support in form of arms, money and training from the United States' Central Intelligence Agency, for a rebellion led by noblemen of neighboring Qinghai in response to the distribution of the land to the former serfs.
So I ask all of you who scream "Free Tibet", who are you screaming for? who's movement is this you belong to? Peace loving people? or the United States' anti communist efforts?
Today I was treated to a really great dinner, some good steaks and wine, and above all nice chat. It was all on the ocation of a great friend of mine's defense of her marvelous thesis on long term effects of pre-natal exposure to toluene on mice.
A moment came when, talking to her father -a marvelous person, tears came to the rim of my eyes. Two stories of sorrow he told, a past one and a present one. Of the past one I'm sure we've all have heard and here's a song on it which I love (sorry.. the best I could find on the tube).
And the present story, the one that really hit me was about the present condition of his beloved country. It was a story which we really musn't be unfamiliar with, he spoke of a world that is our world, of a ruin that is our ruin. He spoke of greed in everyone's mind, of a sole goal in everyone's agenda, that of making money, regardless of what it implies. And then, just then, someone besides me said that "it is understandable that someone wants to climb up the social ladder as long as he doesn't step on others" and then, just then, it was all so more clear.
I cried, because it's that view, that sort of comments, that imply that everything is fine, that a social ladder must exist, that we must climb it, that sort of view of the world, the view that most people arround me have. Oh... climb the social ladder without stepping on others... how foolish, that is simply impossible in this system, impossible. Oh, having a better life with iPods and internet and automobiles and private schools, without stepping on someone else it is impossible. And when I say impossible I do not mean very hard, I do not mean unrealistic, I mean impossible, because money doesn't grow in trees, because what a single person, who ever it is, produces in a month is far from enough to buy an ipod.
It made me cry.. such a country, such a future it could have had, and there were those who said "I have the right to posess all I want" and now what has it come to?, after they took to the streets with tanks and bombs, after they killed and tortured, now it is their ideas wich prevail, it is their ideas in the minds of all that allow for such a rampage on nature and such a rampage on other humans.
I have been reading postsecret a couple of weeks now, and I am greatly amazed at the way each of us react to it, and even more amazed to hear of people getting in line to tell their secrets (I don't know if publicly or not) in the postsecret live events.
Also interesting was to find out that there is such a thing as a speakers bureau, and I suppose it ain't unique otherwise Harper Collins wouldn't have put their name on theirs.
I had this girlfriend with whom I used to daydream about going into a confessional and tell of horrible sins we hadn't really committed just to try to make the listening priest scream in surprise. We really never tried it, it would have been cool.
Any way, I can't fully figure out why we like reading strangers' secrets, and why people like their secrets read by strangers. I think my case is that of a need for intimacy, there isn't really any one who trusts me as much as those strangers and therefore I try to fill that void by peeking into other people's lives. Taking a look around me at school and on the subway I have come to believe that I am not the only one in such a situation, nor am I the only one who has fallen into a routine, at least in the personal relations perspective, that anything out of usual is more than welcome, even if just a story. I suspected that reading personal blogs was a sing of lack of intimate social life (take no offense, I'm one of you), but all this reading has made me become totally sure of it.
But that only solves half of it. Why do people tell secrets aloud to strangers? Why do I enjoy doing it to some extent? Maybe it's part of the same, of wanting someone to know things so deep inside of you, so that that knowledge constitutes a sort of bond.
Any way... one of my favorite TV shows of all times was called "Secret Service" and it was about this really cool cases USSS agents had to solve. All of them, of course, had to do with embassy protection & counterfeit money, yet there was this really cool episode on the Reagen assassination attempt.
-Solo un poco. Lo que llueve a cantaros son memorias.
-No sabia que hubiese bajado tanto el precio del RAM, recuerdas el terremoto en 1999 que hizo subir los precios? y que no bajaron por más de un año?
-Es de eso de lo que hablo.
...but then again, who does?
If there's something we can learn from Deckard's ordain is that there is little difference between us humans and machines. An interesting feature of Nexus was their expiration date, which was something like their death-date. I came to wonder if we don't have expirations dates our selves, not as in death-dates but rather as dates in which we are no longer useful, at least for some particular purpose.
If that were the case we would have not one but a set of expirations dates, which we one by one reach until the final one, the death date, comes.
Who assigns them to us? Who approves of us having or not a certain shelf life in some respect?
Where can I get refurbished? Where can I find Tyrell?