The only blog not featuring an ipod.

Lets talk

Ok ok ok... so I go around the web searching for porn, for interesting "game of life" configurations, for blogs of people who have a life that I wish I did and over and over I find people, sites, news, speaking of PRC's involvement in Tibet. And people go around saying that Tibetan people are little less than gods all pure, and should be allowed to have their own state and bla bla bla bla...

well, I'm pretty pissed off about all that so let me tell you a couple of interesting facts about those facists.

When revolution came to China, Tibet, like other regions had a feudal system were serfdom prevailed, people were traded along with land, land owned by noblemen and clergymen. They had an army which fought, quite unsuccessfully, the communist forces.

On May 1951 the head of state of the Tibet people, the Dalai Lama, signed the Seventeen Point Agreement which gave China the sovereignty over the lands in exchange for a certain amount of autonomy which included the compromise for the improvement of the quality of life and the expulsion of imperialist agents.

The Tibetian goverment failed to fulfill its parts of the agreement, most notably by receiving support in form of arms, money and training from the United States' Central Intelligence Agency, for a rebellion led by noblemen of neighboring Qinghai in response to the distribution of the land to the former serfs.

So I ask all of you who scream "Free Tibet", who are you screaming for? who's movement is this you belong to? Peace loving people? or the United States' anti communist efforts?


Libia said...

You're right, you're right, but skinheads?, that's a little harsh my dear.
(I just found out it means hugs and kisses)

Omar said...

Yep, es una de las cosas que me enseño un profe de ingles al que realmente quiero.
Estoy deacuerdo con que skinheads es un tanto exagerado, es decir, claro que explotaban esclavos en pleno siglo XX, claro que by all standards tienen la moral de dueño de plantación del missisipi, claro que trataron por todos los medios de conservar su sistema de govierno totalitario, PERO no mataban gente en camaras de gases, solo las forzaban a morir lentamente trabajando para ellos dandoles cada onza de plusvalia exprimible, thats better, right?

Que chafa, parece que dejo de verte una semana y tu vida se pone interesante, o al menos tu blog. De hecho, esta semana me di cuenta que ya entras en una lista de amigos que empiezo a extrañar si no veo.
See ya on monday.

Libia said...

Okok, perdone usted!!, caray, me cae que no es nada bueno hablar con ustedes hombres-de-gran-experiencia--y-atractivo-de-lolitas por que luego luego regañan... pero, as always, me ha convencido... la próxima ves que me exprese tendré mis facts right.
(BTW, cuanto amor, que envidia)

+Koike-Rado said...

Larga vida al Dalai Lama... mmm... ni yo me la creo... (Sólo quiero poner algo de controversia)... mmmm... La moda actual nos dice que hay que ser budistas y reclamar por la libertad del Tibet... mmm... tampoco funciona.

¡Dejenlos embarrar cebo por todos lados libremente!

Eso esta bien.

Omar said...

"caray, me cae que no es nada bueno hablar con ustedes hombres-de-gran-experiencia--y-atractivo-de-lolitas"
Sip, no deja nada bueno, te deja con impresiones falsas de nosotros en todo caso ;)

Libia said...

Oh, créeme, que no, lo del iman de lolitas es un hecho, no una impresión.

Alguien me habló todos los días de mi vida al oido, despacio, lentamente. Me dijo: ¡vive, vive, vive! Era la muerte. (JS)