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It is said that all of us have this one humane side.
I forget mine quite very often, actually I am sometimes annoyed by it.

Yet, the moments I've enjoyed the most are of the kind I consider humane./

But most of us don't like humanity, at least not all the time. We prefer that simulation on top which we like to call world, where hunger is a pretext to have lunch and socialize, where boredom is a trigger for fun and love is a sign that condoms must be bought in larger quantities. We prefer that stern look, that pose of worryness, a thousand times to a face of despair, or a smile.

A better world, I hope, will come, when that simulation, the matrix, no longer exists. Where thoughts and feelings aren't context-dependent, where a smile is a smile and a hug just a hug. A better world, I hope, will come in which one mustn't be ashamed of longing, of crying, of laughing. A world more humane.

A world of humane aesthetics, humane values, humane social protocols.

Meanwhile the humane must be confined to bedrooms, or walks in the park. Meanwhile the humane will be a sought-after product. We will but it in literature, in therapists, in lingerie, in drugs. Meanwhile we will laugh and cry in pairs at most, and never too soon.

Meanwhile I will burn in shame for writing the words shame and humane.

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Alguien me habló todos los días de mi vida al oido, despacio, lentamente. Me dijo: ¡vive, vive, vive! Era la muerte. (JS)